Become an Angel!
The Angel Network of Youth Music Monterey County is a family of devoted music supporters who ensure that local student musicians can experience the unique and powerful music education of the Junior Youth and Honors Orchestras.
​You can help build the next generation of musicians and music lovers by becoming a member of the Angel Network. When you get involved, you will see up close what your donation is helping to secure. Your support bridges the gap between student fees and actual program cost, keeping this high-level opportunity affordable for all student musicians in Monterey County, spanning from Salinas and South County communities to the Monterey Peninsula.
As an Angel, you will receive a hand-crafted silver pin and will enjoy special events featuring individual performances by our talented musicians, as well as the benefits detailed in each tier below.
This committed network of Angels ensures a legacy of excellence in music both now and for the future. You are invited to join this very special musical family!

$500 annual donation you'll receive
​Handcrafted Angel Network pins
Listing in concert programs
Two Dress Circle Tickets to Sunset Center orchestral performances annually
Invitations to after Sunset Center concert receptions
Invitations to the Annual Angel Appreciation Event

$1,000 annual donation you will receive
Angel benefits plus
Video recordings of Sunset Center concert performances upon request

$2,500 annual donation you will receive
Archangel benefits plus
Reserved Seating at all Sunset Center concerts upon request

$5,000 annual donation you will receive
Archangel Bronze benefits plus
10 complimentary guest tickets annually upon request
Solo/Duet Student Performance if requested*

$10,000 annual donation you will receive
Archangel Bronze benefits plus
10 complimentary guest tickets annually upon request
Chamber Student Performance if requested*

$25,000 + annual donation you will receive
Archangel Gold benefits plus:
Opportunity to attend a private event with Music Director, Artistic Staff, & Board
*Schedule to be determined by student availability