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Private Lesson Assistance

YMMC has found private lessons to be an essential tool for our students to thrive and contribute to our orchestras. In order that this will not deter any dedicated students from participating on our orchestras, we may have additional funding available to subsidize the costs of private lessons. Only students who qualify for tuition assistance are eligible to apply for private lesson assistance. Our available funding varies from year to year, and may not always be available. Awards are not intended to cover the entire costs of lessons.


To qualify, students must be enrolled in either the Junior Youth or Honors Orchestra. Students must have submitted an application for financial assistance and have been granted an award. Students may only use the award towards lessons on the instrument they play in a YMMC ensemble. Students must submit a new application for lesson assistance each year.


The student's private teacher will receive a letter explaining the amount of the award, and the process for billing YMMC. Private teachers will bill YMMC directly up to the amount, and terms detailed in the award letter. All billing must be directly between the teacher and YMMC.

Student Responsibility

YMMC expects students on scholarship to attend all concerts, rehearsals, and retreats. Poor attendance may result in a revocation of all or a portion of a student's scholarship. YMMC is only able to pay for lessons that have already taken place.  YMMC is not able to pay for lessons scheduled in the future, or for any lessons that the student did not attend. If a student incurs a fee for missing a lesson (pursuant to the private teacher's policies), it is the student's responsibility to pay the teacher for the missed lesson.

Private Lesson Assistance Form

Thanks for submitting!

Youth Music Monterey County
546 Hartnell Street, Suite B
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 375-1992

©2024 Youth Music Monterey County.

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